What is The Fashion Revolution Week and how to get involved!

Getting dressed every single day is something that we all do without thinking too much about it, we go shopping, we pick what we love and, we just buy it!
But have you ever wondered what is behind every piece of clothes we buy, how many people are involved in the manufacturing process and even more important how their working conditions are and, the environmental footprint impact?
Well, the fashion revolution week is here to show us what is behind the scenes and all the facts that the brands don’t show at first sight. But most important is here to teach us how can participate and change the terrible facts about the modern Fashion Industry.

What is Fashion Revolution week?
Fashion Revolution Week is a movement that was launched in April 2014, just one year after a building in Rana Plaza in Bangladesh collapsed, where more than 1,130 textile workers died and over 2,500 were injured.
Fashion Revolution provides the perfect platform for consumers to ask questions like, Who Made my clothes?. That brings awareness to the big companies and consumers about their lack of transparency in their manufacturing process. It encourages us to recognize our own personal impact and help us to make more informed decisions as there is an environmental footprint behind every purchase we make.
We all have the power to make a change by simply asking questions. And of course, I’m gonna share with you a few things you can do to get involved and take part in this Fashion Revolution Week.

Ask who made my clothes?
This is one of the easiest things you can do, take a photo of yourself wearing a brand you love and simply ask the question “Who made my clothes?” so tweet it, write an email or share your label on Instagram. If they don’t reply, ask them again. Remember as consumers we have the power to demand transparency from brands as well from governments.

Revolution your Wardrobe!
This is one of my favorite ways to be part of the movement, and not only for Fashion Revolution Week, is actually something that I love doing all the time with my wardrobe which by this point is an interesting mix of Thrifted, Upcycled, Vintage, me-made pieces and, of course, a few things that I bought a few years ago and still in my wardrobe.
You just have to be creative and play around with the things you already have, because the most sustainable wardrobe is the one you already own, plus it feels so good having a one-off piece that reflects your personal style.

Make / Up-cycle your clothes.

Until we mend, Up-cycle or create something for ourselves we realize how much work is behind every garment we wear, there are a lot of hands and people involved in the manufacturing process, from the design to the pattern making, cutting and  sewing among others, all these are lost once we see the clothes hanging in shop’s racks.

We have to find a way to create that connection again with all the things we buy, that will make us appreciate not only people’s job behind but, all the resources as well, if you have not sewing skills at all, you can do something as easy as dye them to give them a new fresh look, cut the hem to make them shorter, add a piece of fabric to add more volume, transform a pair of pants in a new short denim skirt, the ideas are out there, you just have to add your own touch and you will come out with a “one-off” piece.

Mend your broken garments.
Something as simple as putting a new button, changing the zipper or mending a hole help us to extend their life, by doing this just nine extra months of active use would reduce carbon, water and waste footprints by around 20-30% each wrap.org.uk

Attend to swap clothes.
If you haven’t gone to any yet, let me tell you that you are missing so much fun.
Swapping is a very thrifty way to update your wardrobe without spending a penny, and knowing that your preloved clothes are going to a new home to be loved again.

Buy from Ethical Brands.
We have to demand transparency from the brands we buy, and ethical brands should tick all the boxes from material resources to manufacture process, plus ethical brands are more focused on designing timeless and good quality pieces that will last longer, rather than producing trends that will go out of fashion just a few weeks after you bought them.

Find out more about what’s going on during this fashion Revolution week in your country and in your area.
There are lots of events such conferences, swap clothes, Up-cycling, mending workshops to help you out on how to join the movement, because remember, we are all part of the problem but we can all be part of the solution.

We all are The Fashion Revolution.